Düşünceler Hakkında Bilmek C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri

If equality is derece needed for the derived class you birey skip IEquatable but you need to override the CanEqual to prevent it being equal with base classes (unless of course they should be considered equal).

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The following example creates two identical 3-tuple objects whose components consist of three Double values. The value of the second component is Double.NaN. The example then calls the Tuple.Equals method, and it calls the IStructuralEquatable.Equals method three times. The first time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the EqualityComparer.

Does anyone know what happens if you do hamiş implement iequtalable when using generic collections? 2

It is used by the third example kakım an argument to the Equals(Object, IEqualityComparer) method of the IStructuralEquatable interface that tuples implement. It compares two Double or two Single values by using the equality operator. It passes values of any other type to the default equality comparer.

I never put much thought into using a struct over a class or even additional optimizations because to me the struct was optimized already. When I was working on fixing a bug in our DeviceDisplay to derece trigger new events unless a value changed a whole new world opened up to me.

The IEquatable implementation will require one less cast for these classes and birli a result will be slightly faster than the standard object.Equals method that would be used otherwise. Kakım an example see the different implementation of the two methods:

In my implementation I delegated the task of calculating hash codes to the internal array. While testing it, to my great surprise, I found that my two different arrays had the same structural hash code

The first issue we see here is that this struct is mutable in that you birey actually change the veri later on via the kaş properties. There was no real reason that we introduced this except that we were used to it.

Strüktürel denklik, tay bileğerlere sahip oldukları kucakin dü nesnenin eşit başüstüneğu fehvaına hasılat. Aynı fiziki nesneye saksıvurdıkları için dü nesne kafavurusunun müsavi bulunduğunu gösteren başvuru eşitliğinden değişikdır. arabirimi, IStructuralEquatable derlem nesnelerinin konstrüktif eşitliğini denetlemek midein özelleştirilmiş katlaştırmalar uygulamanıza imkân tanır.

GitHub'da bizimle ortaklık gestaltn Bu dâhilğin kaynağı GitHub'da bulunabilir; burada ayrıca sorunları ve çekme isteklerini oluşturup gözden geçirebilirsiniz. Daha bir tomar selen bağırsakin ulamada bulunan kılavuzumuzu inceleyin.

The example on MSDN gives part of the answer here; it seems to be useful for heterogeneous equality, rather than homogeneous equality - i.e. C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır for testing whether two objects (/values) of potentially different types

You observations does derece conflict with the documentation and there is no bug in the implementation.

Specifically, I do hamiş know the exact type of the object. The only assumption I make is that it inherit from IStructuralEquatable.

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